Phone: 02-9797-9866 Fax: 02-9716-6015 Electronic Components 10-2 Transistors TRANSISTORS LISTING 2N Code 2N2219A 2N2222 2N2222A-METAL 2N2368 2N2369A 2N2647 2N2905 2N2906 2N2907A 2N2946 2N3019 2N3053 2N3054 2N3055 2N3439 2N3440 2N3525 2N3583 2N3771 2N3772 2N3773 2N3904 2N3905 2N3906 2N3958 2N4030 2N4037 2N4093 2N4123 2N4125 2N4233A 2N4240 2N4401 2N4402 2N4403 2N4416 2N4427 2N5062 2N5088 2N5401 2N5415 2N5416 2N5461 2N5485 2N5551 2N5681 2N5682 2N5686 2N5885 2N5886 2N6027 2N6042 2N6045 2N6052 2N6054 2N6055 2N6056 2N6059 2N6131 2N6134 2N6211 2N6259 2N6284 2N6287 2N6290 2N6306 2N6395 2N6401 2N6403 2N6405 2N6488 2N6491 2N6507 2N6509 2N6660 2N6754 2SA Code 2SA473 2SA489 2SA509 2SA539 2SA542 2SA545 2SA550 2SA562 2SA564 2SA603 2SA608 2SA614 2SA628 2SA634 2SA639 2SA642 2SA643 2SA659 2SA673 2SA683 2SA684 2SA699 2SA708M.METAL.CASE 2SA708P.PLASTIC.CASE 2SA709 2SA715 2SA719 2SA720 2SA733 2SA762 2SA766 2SA768 2SA769 2SA771 2SA777 2SA778K 2SA794 2SA798 2SA814 Semiconductors Semiconductor Information UNDERSTANDING TRANSISTORS All transistors registered with the Electronic Industries Association of Japan (EIAJ) are assigned an “S” number. The number consists of 5 elements, ELEMENT 1 This number indicates the number of active internal or external connections minus one. ELEMENT 2 Originally indicated that this device was registered with EIAJ, although now it is not the case. ELEMENT 3 Polarity and applications. A - PNP High Frequency B - PNP Low Frequency C - NPN High Frequency D - NPN Low Frequency J - P Channel F E T K - N Channel F E T ELEMENT 4 Serial number,in order of registration. ELEMENT 5 Suffixes indicate improvements and their sequence. A = First improvement B = Second improvement,etc NOTE: An improved version will replace an unimproved type in all cases, but an unimproved version will not always replace an improved type. NON JAPANESE TRANSISTORS Many manufacturers in Korea, Taiwan, etc., have adopted similar numbers to the Japanese and change the prefix eg KSC945. To make things more confusing,the KS is left off the device therefore C945 is the only marking on the transistor. In most cases the specs are similar but pin outs are not. Please check circuit prior to replacing the transistor, the same number does not always mean that pin outs are the same. TRANSISTOR SUBSTITUTIONS WES Components reserves the right to supply a substitution transistor where the original is not available or is out of stock. These substitutions will be ones confirmed as close to original as to be a direct replacement. A transistor substitution manual is also available which lists possible substitutions for you to substitute devices not listed or are NLA. The comparison is on similar specs only. Therefore this should be read in conjunction with the Transistor Manual to ensure that cases and pin-outs are the same and that the transistor with the best specs is chosen. DISCOUNT STRUCTURE FOR SEMICONDUCTORS [ NOT ASSORTED ] 25+ -10% 50+ -20% 100+ POA